Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Set Up an Ice Cream Sundae Bar

If your little one is crazy for ice cream, then this fun feature will be the crowning jewel of the party. See how to make an ice cream sundae bar, with tips on an easy clean up.
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Ice Cream Sundae Bar Supplies
To make the sundae bar, you can have any or all of the following items:

* chocolates - like M&Ms
* candy - like gummy bears and jelly beans
* mimi marshmallows
* chocolate and rainbow sprinkles
* chocolate and caramel syrups
* whipped cream
* cartons of chocolate and vanilla ice cream
* 1 pint of fruit sorbet
* maraschino cherries
* ice cream cones
* plastic bowls
* plastic spoons
* napkins
* 1 roll paper towels
* 1 box of wetnaps
* ice cream scoops

Serving the Sundaes
Right before you are ready to eat, bring out the ice cream and the sorbet. I like to provide sorbet as a non-dairy alternative. Line up the containers and have the lids removed. Have the scooper ready to go. Line up the whipped cream, and the cherries and you are all set. Setting up while the children are not in the area, prevents a dozen little hands in the ice cream before everything is ready.

Tips for Serving Kids
Now the sundae bar has really come together. First the cones and bowls, then the ice cream, the whipped cream, the variety of toppings, then the cleaning supplies and the trash. Perhaps get an adult or two to help with scooping the ice cream onto the cones or into the bowls, so the kids can get right over to the decorating. Take a bowl, put in some ice cream, then top with your favorite candy, syrups, whipped cream, and a cherry - remember that for a cone some sprinkles may be all it can hold.

And of course, don't forget to make a sundae for yourself.(Rachel Edelman - video about)

See also : sushi


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